seated on my island of pebbles
I can feel the evening tide circling in
the ocean is reshaping the slough
and swallows what was ashore two waves ago
as the wool runs through my cooled hands
my smile becomes a mirror of the September sun
its light turns into a reflection on the wool
wavy, and in the color of sand
today’s hagstone mutteres alongside my stitches
it is a hagstone in the making
an adolescent portal through the hole
started but not drilled all the way yet
I know no other place so dense in hagstones
maybe this is why I feel safe here,
blessed by their protective energies
and the osprey carried higher and higher
by the wind that strings straight to the bones
I catch my breath as the long-billed curlews
reel in for dinner, perfectly seizing
a waxing moon in their backs
as they make the turn towards
their foraging grounds
mobilier belgique
Beach pebbles and river pebbles (also known as river rock) are distinct in their geological formation and appearance. Beach pebbles form gradually over time as the ocean water washes over loose rock particles. The result is a smooth, rounded appearance. The typical size range is from 2 mm to 50 mm. The colors range from translucent white to black, and include shades of yellow, brown, red and green. Some of the more plentiful pebble beaches are along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, beginning in Canada and extending down to the tip of South America in Argentina. Other pebble beaches are in northern Europe (particularly on the beaches of the Norwegian Sea ), along the coast of the U.K. and Ireland, on the shores of Australia, and around the islands of Indonesia and Japan.